Leveraging Spring Batch Skip Policy for Item Writers: Handling Data Anomalies Gracefully


In the realm of data processing and batch jobs, error handling is a critical aspect of maintaining data integrity and ensuring the successful execution of tasks. Spring Batch, a robust framework for building batch processing applications, provides a powerful mechanism known as a “Skip Policy” to gracefully handle exceptions that may occur during item writing. This article delves into the concept of Skip Policy for Item Writers in Spring Batch, exploring its purpose, implementation, and best practices.

Understanding the Need for Skip Policy

In batch processing, it’s not uncommon to encounter situations where some data cannot be processed as expected due to various reasons such as data anomalies, validation errors, or temporary system issues. Handling these exceptions gracefully is essential to ensure that a batch job can continue processing without being terminated, thus preventing data loss or disruption.

The Skip Policy in Spring Batch allows developers to specify conditions under which exceptions should be skipped during item writing, allowing the batch job to proceed with the unaffected data.

Implementing Skip Policy for Item Writers

To implement a Skip Policy for Item Writers in Spring Batch, follow these steps:

Create a SkipPolicy Implementation:

Implement the SkipPolicy interface provided by Spring Batch. This interface defines a single method, shouldSkip(Throwable t, int skipCount), which determines whether an exception should be skipped based on specified conditions.

public class CustomSkipPolicy implements SkipPolicy {
    public boolean shouldSkip(Throwable t, int skipCount) {
        // Define your skip logic here.
        // Return true to skip the item or false to process it.

Configure the Skip Policy:

Configure the Skip Policy within your Spring Batch configuration, typically as part of your Step configuration. You can apply the Skip Policy to a specific writer or step, depending on your requirements.

public Step myBatchStep(ItemReader<YourDataType> reader, ItemProcessor<YourDataType, YourProcessedType> processor,
ItemWriter<YourProcessedType> writer, CustomSkipPolicy skipPolicy) {
  return stepBuilderFactory.get("myBatchStep")
    .<YourDataType, YourProcessedType>chunk(chunkSize)
    .skipLimit(100) // Specify the maximum number of skips allowed.
    .skipPolicy(skipPolicy) // Apply the custom skip policy.
    .<YourProcessedType>skip(YourException.class) // Specify the exception type to trigger the skip policy.
Define Skip Logic:
Within your custom SkipPolicy implementation, define the skip logic based on the exception type (t) and the number of times it has been encountered (skipCount). You can skip exceptions based on specific conditions or criteria.

Best Practices for Using Skip Policy

  1. Graceful Handling: Use the Skip Policy to skip exceptions that are known to be recoverable or non-critical, allowing the batch job to continue processing.
  2. Logging and Monitoring: Implement robust logging and monitoring to track skipped items and exceptions, making it easier to diagnose and resolve issues.
  3. Error Threshold: Set an appropriate skipLimit to limit the number of exceptions that can be skipped. This prevents the batch job from endlessly retrying and potentially causing performance problems.
  4. Testing: Thoroughly test your skip logic to ensure it behaves as expected in various error scenarios.


The Skip Policy for Item Writers in Spring Batch is a valuable tool for gracefully handling exceptions during batch processing. By implementing a custom skip policy and configuring it within your batch job, you can ensure that your batch processing pipelines can recover from errors and continue processing unaffected data. This capability is crucial for maintaining data integrity and achieving reliable batch job execution in data-centric applications.